4 Common Threats to Cybersecurity

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April 8, 2020

The world of cybercrime is ever growing, and ever changing. Businesses that do not take proper steps to stay informed and protected run the risk of having their information stolen and sold. Understanding the many different cybersecurity threats, and how to manage them, is critical to ensure your company’s protection.

Password Cracking:

Still one of the most common methods of attack for a cyber criminal to access sensitive information is single-factor authentication. A simple login and password is certainly not enough to deter. Here are some changes that, after implemented, would drastically increase your security:

  1. Two-factor or multi-factor authentication such as security cards, badges, biometric identification, or single use passwords
  2. Insisting the use of password management programs
  3. Requiring passwords to be changed in regular intervals
  4. Have a minimum level of intricacy required for passwords

Social Engineering/Phishing:

With this method, a cyber criminal can manipulate and gain the trust of an employee by making them believe the hacker is another staff member with proper authorization. If successful, the hacker can use shared information to access sensitive data. Some methods to battle this form of attack are:

  1. Teaching staff members about social engineering and phishing scams, so they are better prepared if targeted
  2. The use of additional authentication listed above
  3. The use of advanced security programs that request additional login information if the access attempt is from an unfamiliar source.
  4. Software that monitors at the processor level and detects anomalous behavior


More often than not, software contains unintended weaknesses. Whether known or ‘’zero day’’ they can be used as a means of exploitation. This threat can be reduced by:

  1. Software used to scan and pinpoint possible security flaws
  2. Patching management services
  3. Formal, reliable maintenance procedure.
  4. Ongoing penetration testing team that will attempt to ethically hack your security with the purpose of identifying vulnerabilities.

Endpoint Protection:

There are many different types of malware, some of the most common including ransomware, trojans, and viruses. In most cases, these programs gain access through an unknowing victim, usually by means of an executable file. After installation, it can very quickly move across the network. Some methods of defense against malware include:

  1. Only allowing verified programs and software to be installed
  2. Run virtual instances that are siloed
  3. Backup of all critical data as a safety net in the case of a successful attack
  4. Using powerful malware protection and antivirus software
  5. Teaching staff members the signs of a malware attack, and how to properly report and neutralize threats

Our job is to help you identify, isolate, and rectify any vulnerabilities your threat landscape contains. The above categories, although incredibly important, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fully securing your company.