Real-Time Analytics

Gain access to rich, powerful wire data.

Analyze all network interactions in real time and apply advanced machine learning to help your teams detect threats in the east-west corridor, ensure delivery of critical applications, and protect your cloud. Formalize response procedures assisted by guided investigation to rise above the noise and eliminate threats.

Analyze traffic, cut through the noise, and react with agility.

Transaction Visibility

Analyze all transactions across your hybrid infrastructure in real time. Map all connections, devices, users, and dependencies

  • Unstructured packets
  • Advanced machine learning
  • Auto-discovery and classification

Real-Time Detection

Apply advanced machine learning and an array of detectors to identify threats and anomalies with high fidelity.

  • Insight at 100Gps
  • Stream processing
  • Cut through the Noise

Guided Investigation

Pair insight with context to create guided investigation workflows. Validate, triage, and establish root cause in hours instead of days.

  • Immediate answers
  • Analyze all network iterations
  • Ensure delivery of critical applications